Proposed Changes to Statutory Authority Re: CALCRIM Oral Copulation Instructions, Effective 9/24/19
June 26th, 2019
Per an “Invitation to Comment” (5/28 – 7/5/19; CALCRIM-2019-01) the statutory authority for the following instructions on oral copulation is to be changed from Penal Code section 288a to Penal Code section 287. (The proposed effective date of the changes is 9/24/19.)
123 Witness Identified as John or Jane Doe
208 Witness Identified as John or Jane Doe
810. Torture
890. Assault With Intent to Commit Specified Crimes
1015 Oral Copulation by Force, Fear, or Threats
1016 Oral Copulation in Concert
1017 Oral Copulation of an Intoxicated Person
1018 Oral Copulation of an Unconscious Person
1019 Oral Copulation of a Disabled Person
1020 Oral Copulation of a Disabled Person in a Mental Hospital
1021 Oral Copulation by Fraud
1022 Oral Copulation While in Custody
1070 Unlawful Sexual Intercourse: Defendant 21 or Older
1080 Oral Copulation With Person Under 14
1081 Oral Copulation With Minor: Defendant 21 or Older
1082 Oral Copulation With Person Under 18
1090 Sodomy With Person Under 14
1091 Sodomy With Minor: Defendant 21 or Older
1101 Sexual Penetration With Minor: Defendant 21 or Older
1123 Aggravated Sexual Assault of Child Under 14 Years
1203 Kidnapping: For Robbery, Rape, or Other Sex Offenses
Tags: CC 1016, CC 1017, CC 1018, CC 1019, CC 1020, CC 1021, CC 1022, CC 1070, CC 1080, CC 1081, CC 1082, CC 1090, CC 1091, CC 1123, CC 1203, CC 123, CC 208, CC 810, CC 890, CC1015, Oral Copulation