CALCRIM Revisions Effective October 1, 2021
October 12th, 2021
Effective 10/01/2021 CALCRIM revised instructions listed below. See Number Title 336 In-Custody Informant 417 Liability for Coconspirators’ Acts 582 Involuntary Manslaughter: Failure to Perform Legal Duty–Murder Not Charged 625 Voluntary Intoxication: Effects on Homicide Crimes 775 Death Penalty: Mental Retardation 840 […]
Tags: CC 1001, CC 1015, CC 1016, CC 1030, CC 1031, CC 1201, CC 1215, CC 1243, CC 1244, CC 1807, CC 1930, CC 2045, CC 2100, CC 2200, CC 2656, CC 3185, CC 336, CC 3411, CC 3451, CC 417, CC 582, CC 625, CC 775, CC 840, CC 852A
Kidnapping: Substantial Distance Is Merely One Of Several Factors To Consider
March 10th, 2014
People v. Bell (2009)179 Cal. App. 4th 428, held that the wording of a portion of CC 1215 was erroneous. “Without further explanation of what distance is ‘merely incidental’ to the associated crime, a jury could easily interpret the instruction to require a jury to acquit a defendant of kidnapping because the movement […]
Tags: CC 1215, Kidnapping for Robbery